Royal Australian Armoured Corps Association NSW
The RAACA News Page lets you the Armoured Corps community in New South Wales know about the issues that concern YOU. If you have a Corps related item you would like publicised, let us know.
Another great Anzac Day in Sydney, the corps with overwhelming representation in the uniformed contingent followed by all RAAC associations marching together. The video says it all.
The few drinks afterward were also memorable.
Cambrai/Beersheba Dinner 4 November 2023
Another great Cambrai/Beersheba Dinner was held on 4 November 2023 at the Royal Automobile Club, Sydney.
Anzac Day 25 April 2023
On Anzac Day 2023 Royal Australian Armoured Corps unit associations marched together for the first time in many years. The RSL insisting the Reserve unit the Royal New South Wales Lancers' Association not join its Regular cousins. Flying in the face of the reality that the Reserve has as many combat, peacekeeping and community service veterans as its regular cousins. The Lancers, with HQ and two sabre squadrons based in Sydney can field the largest parade contingent, and with 21 Battle Honours is Australia s most decorated unit.
In 2023 RSL directives were defied and all RAAC unit associations marched together supported by the Lancers' Band.
Cambrai/Beersheba Dinner 12 November 2022
Those who did not make it to the 2021 Cambrai/Beersheba Dinner really missed out. A great roll-up.
Major General Tony Rawlins DSC AM gave the keynote address, a most interesting delivery covering Defence and the changing international situation.
RAAC Corporation Annual General Meeting 15 October 2022
October 2022 saw the RAAC Corp AGM return to face to face. Held at the convivial surroundings of the Canberra Rex Hotel, it was great to again meet face to face with colleagues.
Brigadier Gardiner, the head of corps was an apology. His report to the
RAACC was paraphrased and presented by General Orme. The main points raised were a note of
thanks to Brigadier Duncan Hayward, the work done by RAAC members during the COVID period, the
future of the position of RAAC Colonel-in-Chief, now that Prince Charles is the King and a concern over
recruiting and retention, overall, for the Army, as well as for the RAAC.
Julian Heath provided a brief on the progress with
establishing the Haynes Trust. The trustees have been appointed and are going through the process of
establishing a deed and rules governing the trust. Scott Warr will be on the board of trustees and
indicated that the expected $1millon plus funds will be invested through Morgan Stanley. There is a
current issue concerning the estate of John s wife who passed not long after him. The trustees will
meet in November where it is expected that the funds will be released to the trust.
With the retirement of Col Lee Long from the Advisory Board, Julian Heath was
asked to provide a brief on the CV of Brigadier Philip Bridie to join the Advisory Board. Brigadier
Bridie s considerable experience was outlined and his suitability to join the Advisory Board was put
forward. Other comments in support were made by Scott Warr, Wayne Clarke and John Howells. A
vote of thanks was passed for the ten-year contribution of Col Lee Long and his passion to keep the
welfare of the reserve on the minds of HOC and the RAACC.
Cambrai/Beersheba Dinner 13 November 2021
Those who did not make it to the 2021 Cambrai/Beersheba Dinner really missed out. A great roll-up.
Brigadier Rob Lording gave the keynote address, a substantial update on where the Corps and the Army is heading.
RAAC Corporation Annual General Meeting 9 October 2021
In 2021 the intention to hold the RAAC Corporation Conference and AGM as a physical get together was again thwarted by pandemic lockdowns. Undaunted and courtesy the 1AR Association Zoom account the meet went virtual on 9 October. RAACA NSW was represented by our president Rob Lording. From NSW Lee Long attended as a member of the advisory board, the HRL Association was represented by Wayne Clark and Jim Gillett, the RNSWL Association by John Howells.
The keynote addresses on the state of the Corps were given by the Head of Corps Brigadier Duncan Hayward CSC and the Corps RSM Tony Lynch.
In October 2022 we WILL be physically gathering in Canberra for the Conference and AGM.
And if you missed the links Tony Lynch sent, the following is an edited version of the 10th Light Horse re-elevation to Regimental Status Video.
Cambrai Beersheba Dinner 14 November 2020
The 2020 Cambrai/Beersheba Dinner was held at the Royal Automobile Club, Sydney. A convivial occasion only slightly dampened by a requirement to sit and drink.
Those who gathered appreciated a briefing by Major General Krause on the Corps future. The possibility of 10LH regaining Regimental status and that the Hawkeye will be both a Regular and Reserve RAAC platform were welcome pieces of intelligence.
Rob Lording as the RAACA NSW president took the opportunity to make an award to Brian Walters to recognise his service to the RAAC NSW and Lancers' Associations.
RAAC Corporation Annual General Meeting 10 October 2020
In 2020 the RAAC Corps AGM was held on 10 October 2020 using Zoom. It was intended to hold it in Perth, this was moved to Melbourne when it became obvious that the funds available to move many delegates from the eastern states to the far side of the nation were insufficient. COVID restrictions and border closures finally precluded the traditional get together and unit visit.
The Zoom platform allowed us to conduct all the necessary business, Noel McLachlan and the erstwhile management team were re-elected. The only change was to the advisory board, Pedro Rosemond withdrawing (to still be involved in an emeritus capacity) and replaced by Derek Simpson.
The highlight of the conference is as always a presentation by the Head of Corps representative on the state of the Corps. This rear Derek Simpson Corps and School of Armour RSM gave the briefing, it can be viewed below, simply activate the play button.
New South Wales Associations were represented at the meeting by Rob Lording (RAACA NSW) and John Howells (RNSWLA).
The AGM 2021 will be held in Melbourne on Saturday 9 October.
RAAC Corporation Annual General Meeting 11/12 October 2019
Once again, representatives of RAAC Regimental Associations and the RAAC Corporation Ltd Advisory Board met in Tamworth NSW on 12 October 2019 for the Royal Australian Armoured Corps Corporation Annual General Meeting.
On Friday 11 October, Major Wayne Clarke of 12/16 HRL hosted delegates on a visit to the light horse memorial; a most impressive structure.
At the meeting, the state of the corps report was delivered by Warrant Officer Class 1 Grant Gripske, RSM 12/16 on behalf of the corps RSM. An audio recording of this delivery can be accessed by using the controls below.
There was considerable discussion on the possibility of utilising PMV (L) Hawkeyes and PMV Bushmasters to carry cav scouts to provide light recon given the mass of the new Boxer vehicles and problems with deployment beyond Australia. This light recon capability being provided by ARA and ARES components of the Corps. It was also noted that when cav scouts are provided to round-out ARA units, ARES PMV crews are also provided.
RAAC Corporation Annual General Meeting 12/13 October 2018
In 2018, the Royal Australian Armoured Corporation Annual General Meeting was held in Brisbane. The RAAC Corp is the peak body for Armoured Corps Associations in Australia. New South Wales was represented by Brian Walters (RAACA-NSW), John Howells (RNSWLA), Jim Gillett (12/16/24 LH, HRLA); Bill Cross, a member of the RAACA-NSW executive a Queensland Resident was also present as an observer. A great experience in spite of the cost in frequent flyer points.
The Visit
The AGM is always located such that a visit can be made to an Armoured Unit s facilities. Sadly this time the 2/14 LH (QMI) ACR was on exercise at Shoalwater Bay; its depot would have been deserted. Alternately a visit to Victoria Barracks Brisbane was arranged on Friday12 October 2018. The visit was hosted by Captain Adelle Catts. Adelle spent many years with the Armoured Corps, and is now posted to the Army History Unit, with the role Museum Manager, Brisbane. The problem is that the Museum building in Victoria Barracks, Brisbane, the powder magazine in colonial times, is currently off limits. A crack has been found in the brickwork the building must remain unoccupied till the foundations are fixed. Interesting, Adelle has found very old records that refer to the crack, it has not moved in 100 years, so it would appear the issue is a storm in a teacup (or plaster pot) nonetheless it is seen by those with power as a good excuse to be disruptive.
Without a museum building, Adelle and her group of stalwart volunteers mount exhibitions in what still serves as the Officers Mess, an original 1864 building with the odd extension. At the moment it hosts a very well curated exhibition of the Australian effort to win the great war in 1918 covering the effort as Germans were turned back at Villers-Bretonneau stopped at Dernancourt then driven back by the Australian Corps at Le Hamel, Amiens thence to Montbrehain. The Light Horse are not forgotten with a tribute to the successful charge at Tzemach on the shores of Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) Israel the display including an artillery piece captured by 4 ALH Bde.
The public only get to see the exhibition by being part of a Wednesday morning group tour. These tours are guided and get the sweetener of a Devonshire Tea in the Officers' Mess.
We were also taken on a tour of the barracks; magnificent buildings mostly from the colonial era interspersed with more recent structures each with their own story adding to the tapestry that tells the story of Brisbane's chapter in Australia's Military History.
The tour ended in the RUSI Room. A hall dating from the 1870s that has served a number of purposes. It is now where the Royal United Services Institution of Queensland hold their monthly lectures of great interest was the diorama of Rittmeister the Freiherr Manfred Von Richthofen visiting an air base in 1918.
Adelle spoke glowingly of the contribution by volunteers in curating, preserving and displaying of the collection whilst alluding to a past dispute where the collection was split, a dispute yet to be resolved. She also emphasised the problem of an aging volunteer group, a problem faced by many organisations including our Armoured Corps Associations.
The AGM took place next day at the Kedron-Wavell Services Club. Australia Armoured Corps Associations were either represented or sent a report to be read into the proceedings. The reports revealed our associations are beset by two problems, geography, and the need to remain relevant to the meeds of younger former and serving soldiers. Geography is a greater problem for the ARA unit associations where soldiers are gathered from all over the nation and tend to gravitate back to where they grew-up when they complete their service. Reserve units have a geographic base with association supporting WW2 veterans who were also recruited in specific areas. Soldiers join an association so they can find solace with the people with whom they served, spent their youth and sacrificed for their country. All are having a degree of difficulty with youth relationship. A young person is less than likely to associate with those as old as their grandparents.
A number of strategies to address these issues were discussed. An approach that removed perceived financial barriers to serving and recently separated soldiers and a friendly proactive approach to those who may be experiencing issues.
Changes within the corps, with the Regular Infantry being integrally mobilised utilising the M113AS4 and PMV fleet as a precursor to the arrival of the MICV, and the imminent arrival of the Boxer Cavalry Recnnaissance Vehicles (CRVs) were discussed. Infantry mobility is facing the same issue as it did when 5/7 RAR was mechanised in that the ECNs for Driver and Crew Commander do not form part of an Infantry soldier s career progression, making it difficult to fill these roles. A problem that for outsiders, particularly those with an Armoured background that should either not exist, or given its presence, should be easily fixed. The new CRVs will come on line gradually, WO1 Peter Kirkman RSM 2/14 LH (QMI) ACR gave an outline of what is proposed. The members present were reassured that the Armoured Corps has this well in hand.
There was a degree of concern expressed about having a tank squadron in each ACR, former tank soldiers stated it would be better to concentrate the skill set and ensure the best tank squadron could be deployed when required.
Reserve units will continue with the dual role of training cavalry scouts and providing protected lift capacity to those elements of the infantry regular and reserve without integrated lift capability. The cavalry scouts will be pre-allocated to regular ACRs and deployed should the ACR be on either exercise, or a combat. Jim Gillett in his report indicated 12/16 LH (HRL) had split its training between squadrons with Caboolture squadron taking on the lift training role, the Hunter Valley Cav Scout training. The important point emphasised was that crews for PMVs used in lift and light vehicles used in Cav Scout training will be trained in the vehicle minor tactics essential for protection when moving vehicles in a combat situations; and effective vehicle husbandry to ensure resources are ready when needed.
Roger Powell gave a report on progress of a proposal for a mounted statue of General Chauvel in Melbourne. The statue to be sculpted by Louis Laumen who did the excellent work on the NBWM in Canberra.
At the conclusion of the meeting strong vote of thanks was given to Noel Mc Laughlin our chairman for organising and competently chairing the AGM, and Graeme Brown for arranging the venue par excellence.
The Dinner
The AGM concluded with a very pleasant dinner at the Kedron-Wavell Services Club.
It was resolved that the 2019 AGM will take place at Tamworth, NSW on 12 October 2019 and be hosted by the 12/16/24 LH, HRL Association.
Do note that any opinions expressed are those of John Howells, the author, not those of the RNSWLA, RAACA-NSW or RAAC Corp.
Saturday 11 October 2017 - 2017 Cambrai Dinner
Another great dinner at the RAC Club, Sydney. The centenaries of the Charge at Beersheba, and the Battle of Cambrai, foundation actions of the RAAC, were duly commemorated.
Saturday 7 October 2017 - A Visit to Cambrai
John Howells, whilst taking a group tour to the battlefields Australians fought in in World War 1, took the opportunity to visit the Cambrai battlefield.
First we drove to the town of Cambrai, then the old Roman road to the Memorial. Driving through the low rolling chalk hills that even today is good tank country, you can understand why such a site was chosen for the iconic battle. On the morning of 20 November 1917 1,000 silently registered guns opened up on the unsuspecting Germans and 378 Mk IV tanks rolled out of the mist. En masse for the first time the tanks cut the wire, and rolled through the defences in depth. The infantry had but to mop up taking 7,500 prisoners by mid-day. They were by then 6.5 km into the enemy defences. Then the weather turned for the worst excusing the waiting cavalry their task to exploit the gains, and not enough infantry was available. By the end of the first day, the MK IV s mechanical reliability became an issue with about half the tanks unable to proceed further.
On 29 November the offensive halted after an advance of 10 km. It was then the German s who showed their innovation. In preparation for Operation Michael in early 1918, German infantry trained in close fire and manoeuvre; and the newly trained storm troopers were deployed for the first time. Storm troopers were trained to scout for weak points in the enemy s position, then lead infantry in striking at and exploiting the vulnerable locations. 20 Divisions attacked, driving the British back to the line they struck from on 20 November. Both sides equally suffered around 43,000 casualties.
These innovations: the tank, accurate silent artillery registration, and close fire and manoeuvre by infantry were to eventually end the stalemate of trench warfare.
We also saw the re-vamped Tank Memorial under construction. If it is intended to have this completed by the time of the Battle's centenary next month, they will need to get a wriggle on. In the adjacent cemetery we found two lone Australian graves a 17 Bn and a 15 Bn soldier.
Saturday 19 November 2016 - Cambrai Dinner
The 2016 Cambrai Dinner, Sydney was a great experience. Good food, and great company. Current and past Armoured Corps Soldiers, Regular and Reserve, with combat experience from the 1960s to the present day.
RSM of the Army, Don Spinks gave the keynote address. As a RAAC soldier, he was able to give those present valuable insights into changes within the corps and what the future holds.
RAAC Corporation Annual General Meeting 14/15 October 2016
RAACA NSW was well represented at the RAAC Corporation Annual General Meeting 14/15 October 2016. The Treasurer, Brian Walters stepped in at the last minute to replace our President Rob Shoebridge as RAACA NSW Rep, Rob had another commitment. Jim Gellett attended as 12/16 HRL Association Rep and John Howells as Royal New South Wales Lancers Association Rep.
As a prelude on the afternoon of 14 October, the AGM delegates visited 1AR at Edinburgh. 1AR is due to consolidate all squadrons at Edinburgh in 2017, at present A (lift) squadron is all that is there. The delegates were shown the new M113 in detail. It is not the machine that those who served with it from 1970 2005 knew. The extended body and new armour give it a weight of 20 rather than 13 tonnes, it now fords rather than swims, it has a steering wheel rather than levers. The electronics and weapon control systems, were by far the most impressive.
At the close of the day, delegates were invited to join squadron members at the Rhino Club. It was great to see talk to all ranks and be infected by their enthusiasm for the work and training they are deeply involved in.
The AGM took place at the A Sqn 3/9 LH (SAMR) depot at Smithfield. Congratulations to Noel McLachlan for an exceptionally well run meeting and Graham Brown for a great job as treasurer. Keynote speeches were by Major Greg Hooper CSM who gave a briefing on behalf of the Head of Corps, and Corps RSM Warrant Officer Class 1 Peter Swinfield. The speeches can be heard by using the controls below.
Use the controls above to access MAJ Hooper's speech
Use the controls above to access WO1 Swinfield's speech
Of note is that on 26 November 2016 at Puckapunyal 4/19 LH (PWLH) will be presented with a new guidon.
After the AGM, delegates were shown the SAMR vehicles, now a collection of PMVs (Bushmasters) and G
Wagens (bought for the SAS, then found not to have protection, thus given to ARES
RAAC units for recon training), and had the training difficulties the squadron is experiencing explained. The vehicles were impressive, the difficulties the squadron has in having in getting drivers trained, and being under the command of an infantry battalion not being allocated the training time for vehicle husbandry did not impress. These are what to we who are now outsiders simple administrative matters, able to be readily solved; are in the environment where it is intended for incomprehensible reasons that an Armoured sub-unit should integrated into an infantry battalion and so lose its historic identity in addition to being commanded by officers who lack the understanding of vehicle skills, have become all but insurmountable.
John Howells
Saturday 21 November 2015 - Cambrai Dinner
Quite a gathering at the Royal Automobile Club on the night of Saturday 21 November 2015 - Cambrai Dinner. Many old and some new black hats met and the Chief of Army spoke on how he sees the role of Associations such as ours in supporting those still in service.
Saturday 21 November 2015 - Light Horse Memorial Eastlakes Rededication
In August 1914, the First Light Horse Regiment was formed, it trained at Rosebery Racecourse in Sydney's East before departing for Egypt, Gallipoli then Palestine.
The old racecourse is long gone, but for many years there was a small memorial to the Light Horse at the site. In the centenary year, the Botany Bay Council and the local historical society took advantage of an ANZAC Centenary grant to re-build the memorial and re-name the small green space surrounding it "Light Horse Park".
The rededication ceremony was attended by RAAC and Lancers association members and Light Horse re-enactors; a link to the present day from those who trained on the site 100 years ago.
Saturday 22 November 2014 - Cambrai Dinner
The night of Saturday 22 November 2014 saw an august gathering at the Royal Automobile Club Sydney. If you served in the corps and can make it to Sydney in late November, this occasion is a must.
Those present were able to revive the camaraderie of fellow black hats from World War 2 to today.
Brigadier John McKenzie, immediate past head of corps gave the keynote address. Harking back to that day in 1917 when armour was proven capable as the breakthrough force essential for success in modern warfare; he painted a picture of a corps in 2014 where all units regular and reserve work together to deliver the reconnaissance, shock action and protected mobility essential to the defence of our nation.
The dinner, where the dessert displayed the colours of mud, blood and green fields beyond concluded with the presentation of a notable memento by the youngest members of the association.
Saturday 30 August 2014 1stLH AIF Centenary Parade Parramatta
There was a Parade in Parramatta to comemorate the formation of the 1st Light Horse in 1914, it was unique and, by bringing a significant part of Australia s military history to the people, it told the story of Australian mateship, self-sacrifice and volunteering in a way that had very high impact.
Well and what a parade. All of the Lancers' Museum vehicles performed flawlessly as did the Regiment on its new steeds. The Lancers' Museum will be continually in the debit of His Excellency and Lady Cosgrove for lending their presence to the event.
The attendance in the rain was quite amazing, and it is the first time we have had a queue across the full width of the Lancer Barracks parade ground to enter the Museum.
A great effort by the Lancers' Museum, the 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers and the Parramatta community including all local politicians at all levels of government and political persuasion. One person needs special mention, the Lancers' Museum s Publicity Officer, Captain Ian Hawthorn Retd without whose initiative and drive the function would not have happened.
The selection of photos below give an idea of what it was like to be at the parade. The video shows ABC TV coverage of the event.
ANZAC Day 2014
Some great photos of the 90+ Lancers and Band in the Sydney ANZAC Day parade 2014, and 15th Light Horse Re-Enactors in Lismore.
Photos by Jeff Darke, John Howells and Mrs Baldy
Cambrai Dinner 2013
The RAACA NSW s Annual Cambrai Dinner 2013 was held At the Royal Automobile Club, Sydney on 23 November 2013. The collected members enjoyed good company, good food and a comprehensive update by the head of corps Brigadier John Mackenzie. We were all particularly buoyed by the presence of younger veterans.
Lancers Reunion 2013
All those who came to the Lancers' Reunion at Lancer Barracks on 3 November 2013 had a great time seeing old friends and remembering the days of yore whilst checking
on the Regiment's new steed.
Legacy now for all WW2 Soldiers
Note that Legacy will now look after families of WW11 soldiers who did not have O/S Service if they suffered from injuries sustained during the war form Eg during training.
A lot of our 1 Armoured Div Black Hats need to be advised of this and particularly widows if we can find them.
New Book - The Black Soil Plains and Beyond
The Black Soil Plains and Beyond: Recollections of the 1st Australian Armoured Division is the second, and final, instalment in Cate Clark s series on the 1st Australian Armoured Division.
Based upon the remembrances of over 150 individuals, the publication explores the 1st Australian Armoured Division from its inception in 1941, until its disbandment in 1943. It then follows the stories of some of the units and men until War's end. From the black soil plains of the Narrabri region in NSW, to the dry of Mid West WA and the humidity of North Queensland, New Guinea and the Islands the veterans of this amazing division share their memories, photos and yarns. And if that is not enough the communities that they invaded also share their thoughts on what made the 1 AAD such special visitors.
Full of photos, cartoons, poetry and yarns with the backing voice of history, the book is a 364pp hardcover testimony to the veterans of the 1 Australian Armoured Division completing Cate s series on the 1 AAD which began with To Fight and Do Our Best: The 1st Australian Armoured Division in Gunnedah 1942-1943.
Cost for The Black Soil Plains and Beyond is $80 + postage. (Copies of her first book To Fight and Do Our Best are still available for $45 if you also buy The Black Soil Plains and Beyond.)
Contact author Cate Clark for more details: 0408 425564 or or take a sneak peek of one of the chapters at:
Battle For Australia Commemoration Sydney
The ceremony on Wednesday 4 September 2013, at Martin Place, Sydney with
Her Excellency the Governor as principle guest was very moving.
CLICK HERE for a more detailed
report including video of the ceremony.