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   Royal Australian Armoured Corps Association NSW
    Membership of the RAAC Association NSW

Renew Your Membership

To renew your membership of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps Association NSW CLICK HERE.

Join the RAACA NSW

The Royal Australian Armoured Corps Association NSW ABN 49709547198 is for all those who are still serving or who have served in ARMOUR. This is your opportunity to enjoy the advantages of RAACA membership and continue your association in the spirit of ARMOUR.

To join CLICK HERE to download the application form in PDF format which can be printed and posted to us at the address shown, with your cheque/money order; you can also choose to pay by Bank transfer (details on form) or by PayPal CLICK HERE for details.


We see ourselves as a LINK to bind all Black Hats to common causes.

Donations to the RAAC Association are tax deductable

On joining you will receive "Armour" and "Ironsides". Also, you will be kept up to date with our other concerns and activities, for example:

  • Through our initiative the RAACA has been given a site in Anzac Parade, Canberra for a National Boer War Memorial (NBWM) to commemorate our ancestor Boer War Troopers. We now have to build the Memorial.
  • We have succeeded, after 25 years of lobbying, to gain Veterans’ Entitlement Act (VEA) benefits for the RAACA Atomic Veterans.
  • After five years of lobbying we won the battle to introduce a Combat Badge for entitled Black Hats.
  • We continue to seek VEA cover for those RAAC WW11 Troopers who spent years training in WA but failed to receive that cover.
  • We have succeeded in having a Service Medal introduced after 4 years Service instead of the old 15 year rule.
  • We are lobbying to have Frommells commemorated in the Sydney Shrine.
  • We stock AFV Crewman’s patches and other memorabilia for sale.
  • We provide Advocacy help and lobby to improve Service conditions through our membership of peak ex Service organizations for example; we continue to press the Government to change the current inequitable indexing system of ADF superannuation.
  • We have a cash grant scheme to assist any member in difficulties.
  • We offer education scholarships to descendant children of any age for any level of education.
  • We conduct commemorative and social activities
  • We send Christmas parcels to Black Hats deployed overseas.
  • We maintain a connection with the RAAC Head of Corps and the Armoured School by holding our annual Congress at the School and are seeking more formal ties with the wider Black Hat Community.

Please note the options listed in the Application Form enclosed. We hope you will decide to join the extended Black Hat family of the RAACA.

Yours in the Spirit of Armour and with best wishes,

John Haynes OAM (Retd)

To join CLICK HERE to download the application form in PDF format which can be printed and posted to us with your cheque/money order or bank details to the address shown.

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                                                                             Building 41, Victoria Barracks, Locked Bag 7005, LIVERPOOL NSW 1871, AUSTRALIA, Telephone: +61 (0)2 8335 5309, Email: